Stardate:2406.04.19 Mission: Beyond the Looking Glass Day 1 Stardate: 2406.04.19 (Mirror universe - Prison cell - Lt. Cmdr. Nakamura - 11:02) There was movement in the room, Nishi was only barely aware of it, the jumbled series of images, pain, and association that was now his mind, was slowly managing to overcome the pain in his body, he was teetering on unconsciousness expectantly, eager to drop of the edge and be free. There were voices, he could hardly hear them. Somebody touched him, shook him, again there was a voice, then somebody was in his mind. The mental touch was different, there was no malice to it, concern was all he felt. He got the impression that whomever it was, was surveying the damage, or inspecting a table full of jigsaw pieces, unsure where to start, or what the picture was supposed to look like. There was some tentative sifting of the pieces; memories, emotions, drives, and desires that had been scattered, ridiculed and pounded by Kestra. Then, whomever was in his head was gone, and seconds latter the all too familiar pain returned, searing barbed fingers dug into his mind, there was a scream, he didn't know if it was his or not, it was impossible to tell; he had been hearing that sound in his ears and mind for so long, that he couldn't tell one from the other. It went on forever, the pain coming in waves, then without warning, there was calm, perfect calm and Nishi felt himself fall; unconsciousness was cool, it was peaceful, and it was endless. He felt himself sink into it, he was a man baked and burned by the sun, parched beyond belief, and it was the deepest coolest water he could ever know. He let himself go and sank, dropping slowly, whatever was in the darkness, down there at the bottom, that's where he longed to be. There was a tug, there was a voice, he knew it, but couldn't name it, he didn't hear the words but felt the meaning, felt the need - faces, that he couldn't name, people in uniforms, a beautiful girl and a child, appeared in his mind, surrounding him. Somewhere deeper down inside him, possibly deeper that Kestra's icy fingers had reached he heard his own voice, it was grim and determined, it was sure as it spoke: "They need me" The tug became a rushing pull and the bottomless pool of cool safety dropped away, as if a giant plug had been pulled. The pain of his body was back, and his mind still felt as if it had been pulped with a hammer, he could feel one thing holding his mind together, keeping it from becoming a jumble of everything he felt, thought and experienced; it was that voice saying "They need me" He opened his eyes and was greeted by the sympathetic look in counsellor Winters's eyes. It was her mind he had felt sifting through the jigsaw puzzle in his head, it must have been her that had stopped him from sinking, even pulled him out. For all he new, it had been her that had helped him hold his mind together - something told him it was a temporary measure. "You are going to have one hell of a headache, and I'm sorry about that." she said as he sat up, Sevant was there, and a man who he didn't recognise, then he saw Kestra laying dead on the floor, he would have smiled, but the sight of her still frightened him. He got to his feet, not even noticing that he was still naked, and almost fell to ground, dizziness nearly taking his feet out from under him, luckily one of them caught him and steadied him as he walked. (Reply; Sash, Sevant, Winters - if you feel a need) (Posted; Alister) Stardate:2406.04.19 Mission: Beyond the Looking Glass Day 1 Stardate:2406.04.19 (Mirror universe - Shuttle - Lt. Cmdr. Nakamura - 13:40) A bumpy ride, and a narrow escape, he was a part of it, but only on the periphery, the whole thing felt like a daydream, as if he were watching it from a distance. He had done what he could, but that wasn't much, then they were clear of the ship and fleeing for their lives, Nishi just took a seat and let the others work. There was an explosion, then they hit the wormhole and everything went blank. (Our universe - Shuttle - Lt. Cmdr. Nakamura- 15:46) Nishi woke up with a jolt, as somebody touched him, for a second he thought he was back in the cell. He had to admit he was relieved that he wasn't. Doctor Fickett was there, inspecting the cuts on his torso, some of which where still bleeding. He lay back and let the doctor bandage him. He found it hard to concentrate, his thoughts seemed to float to the surface of his mind, without any reason, then sink again, memories of the cell would come to the surface, and play out so vividly that he wanted to scream in pain. But again and again, whenever he came close to loosing his mental footing and sinking, he would see faces of the crew, and hear the same words in his head; "They need me" Dr. Ficket finished wrapping Nishi in whatever he could use as bandages, and limped off to tend to others, Nishi had to admit he admired the man, wounded as he was he was putting others before himself, it was more than Nishi could muster. Counsellor Winters moved closer, everything about her said concern "are you ok?" she asked putting her hand on his knee, sympathetically. "Gyounen" he said, without noticing that he had used the wrong language, "I don't know which thoughts go where" he explained slowly, there was more to it than that; his memories and emotions didn't fit together, like jigsaw pieces poured out of a box, into water, everything was floating and not connecting. "Hard to hold things together, things drift" he said mostly to himself. "What did she do to me?" (Reply; Winters) (Posted: Alister) Stardate:2406.04.19 Mission: Oubliette, Day 2 Stardate: 2406.04.19 (USS Nimitz - Computer Core - TAC/ASC Lt. Stolev - 1517) "Zzt! It's me, Stolev!" Sasha was glad that he had anticipated Zzt's reaction to some degree, as the phaser blast from the panicked CEO impacted the door to the hatch about a foot from his head. He waited as Zzt stared at the tube hatch, his head cocked to one side. "Stinky breath?" Zzt asked, perplexed. He rose to his paws, his eyes never leaving the hatch. "That you Stinky Breath?" Sasha remembered Zzt's comment from the staff meeting last night regarding his alcohol-tainted breath, the meeting having been unexpectedly called shortly after the conclusion of the all-hands party on the holodeck. Had that really been less than 16 hours ago? Sasha shook his head as he smiled to himself. "Yes, it's me," he replied in a normal voice. "I've brushed my teeth since then so hopefully that nickname is no longer appropriate." Zzt moved slowly over to the access hatch and glanced up the tube, phaser at the ready. "It IS you!! Stinky Breath!!" he exclaimed in excitement. Reaching a large paw up into the jeffries tube, Zzt helped/dragged Stolev out of the jeffries tube and scooped him into a firm hug followed by several licks. "Zzt glad see you! Think you all dead like Captain!" Zzt licked Stolev some more. "Killed by traitors vulcan, Sevant!" Sasha stared openmouthed. "Killed? My god! Are you sure?" Suddenly, and rather unexpectedly, Zzt picked Sasha by the collar of his uniform, holding him out at arms length completely off the floor. "You not work for Vulcan do you?" Zzt asked threateningly, his phaser in his other paw coming back up to point at Stolev. "Sevant kill Captain. Zzt kill Sevant. You not stop Zzt. Zzt avenge Clan Mother." Sasha raised his hands, palms out, in a universal non-threatening gesture. "No, of course not! I'm trying to recapture the ship. I came here to find you, and to help override the computer lockout. I'm locked out too!" Zzt put Stolev down, released him, and handed him one of his phasers. "Good, you help Zzt. You keep watch while Zzt work," Zzt said, moving back over to the console he'd been working on. "Zzt need just little longer." Sasha stood with the phaser drawn, watching the hatch to the tube as well as the door to the core. He was reasonably sure he hadn't been followed through the tube, but then again, he had also been reasonably sure that the away team members wouldn't try to take over the ship. (reply Zzt, any) (posted by Aaron Scifres) Stardate:2406.04.19 Mission: Oubliette, Day 2 Stardate: 2406.04.19 (USS Nimitz - Bridge - Evil Nishi - 15:45) Nishi rocked his head from side to side, until the bones in his neck made a satisfying cracking sound, he hated waiting. Sevant and winters were talking together, he didn't bother to listen to what they were saying, if they needed him they'd let him know, for now all he had to do was watch the bridge crew. He glanced down at the phasers in his hands, switching them from the kill to stun settings and back again, these weapons were smaller than the ones he was used to, clearly not designed for serious combat, but should be enough for this situation. He glanced at the captive crew, huddled on the floor, fear in their eyes, a female ensign was weeping, and another was comforting her - they were trapped. The instincts of a soldier were telling him to be calm, be ready for anything, but there was something deeper that didn't like the situation, that felt just as trapped as those people cowering in the corner. It was a chain, one end secured to his leg, the other to a stake driven into the ground; a memory he had never let himself forget, two weeks without food, had seen to that. He had killed his father for doing that to him, that and a hundred other things that he remembered just a vividly, he had stabbed him while he slept, and set himself free. Setting himself free, that thought lingered in his head. He checked the captives again and made his way over to the tactical station, a thought forming in his mind. It took a while, but he found the controls he needed, after a little longer he had created the commands he wanted. It put his mind at ease, at least he had a way out. A small smile on his lips he made his way into the centre of the room, and resumed his watch of the crew, phasers in hand. (USS Nimitz - Bridge - Evil Nishi - 16:04) The landing craft were on their way, a full scale assault of this ship would soon start, Nishi was sure that the resistance would be great, but with control of the ship's systems they'd have a serious advantage. He watched the landing craft approaching, he was a little disappointed, that it was almost over. Somewhere behind him he heard one of the captive bridge crew let out a cough, which was followed by another, then another it was the third that turned his head. Two different people were coughing, the two at the far end, his eyes jumped from them to the vent in the wall beside them, as another in the line began to cough. His instincts told him that they were in trouble, a handful of Marines trying to burst through the bridge door, he might be able to handle, but add gas to the situation and he knew he was going to loose. "Computer, activate site to site transport, Nakamura one" he called as the urge to cough caught him, his fingers crossed that whatever they had done, hadn't restricted his access to ship systems. Seconds latter he was standing in the quarters his counterpart shared with Eloise, if they had blocked access to the transporters, they hadn't gone as far as including the cargo transport system, and if that had failed, there was always the shuttle systems - he had been thorough when finding himself a way out. "Nishi?" exclaimed Eloise, clearly startled by his sudden appearance. "What's going on?" she asked seeing the phasers in his hands. "We have to get off the ship, there's no time to explain" he said hurriedly. "But Ryuichi, he's at the day care" she protested. "It's already taken care of" he lied, taking a step closer to her, "Do you trust me?" "Of course" He could see it in her eyes, she trusted him, she loved him. The urge overtook the danger of the situation, he put both phasers in his left hand, brought his right up tenderly to her face and kissed her, it was every bit as magical as he had imagined. "Computer, activate site to site transport, Nakamura two" he instructed, and the both of them vanished. (Reply: Any who might be monitoring transporter activity) (posted: Alister) Stardate:2406.04.19 Mission: Oubliette, Day 2 Stardate: 2406.04.19 (Our universe - Shuttle - COUNS Winters - 15:46) Counsellor Winters moved closer, everything about her said concern "are you ok?" she asked putting her hand on his knee, sympathetically. "Gyounen" he said, without noticing that he had used the wrong language, "I don't know which thoughts go where" he explained slowly, there was more to it than that; his memories and emotions didn't fit together, like jigsaw pieces poured out of a box, into water, everything was floating and not connecting. "Hard to hold things together, things drift" he said mostly to himself. "What did she do to me?" Vanyssa leaned back and thought for a second. "It's kind of hard to explain." She said quietly. "To put it bluntly, she raped your mind and you are in shock. It will all settle back down into place, especially if you get some rest and let things begin to heal." Vanyssa considered for a second. "If you trust me, as soon as the medical people say I can, we can work through it together." Vanyssa promised. Vanyssa looked down at the floor, fighting hard not to cry. This was all her fault, she had failed her crew. It was supposed to be a routine mission to investigate an anomaly. Something that she couldn't mess up, something to show Captain Rivers that she had learned the lessons that they had gone over together in the command program on the holodeck. She looked up and into Sash's eyes and promised herself that she would talk with him about this when it was all over. If it ever was. (reply Nishi, if you want) (pb melinda :-) Stardate:2406.04.19 Mission: Oubliette, Day 2 Stardate: 2406.04.19 (USS Nimitz - Ready Room - ACMO Lt. Kestra Troi - 1610) "Energising now... good luck!" Kestra heard Onyx say but she also thought she heard Lee say something but she was already gone. She was then looking at the office that was the captain's ready room. She then quietly looked around for the captain to find her sprawled on the floor. It looked as thought she was going to do her normal thing during the time that she was in her office and that was going to the replicator for some rajinko. It was as if someone launched themselves at her while her back was turned. As Kestra bent over Susan she felt for a pulse and found a weak one. She had brusing around her neck as though someone had held her tight for a moment. Then she noticed a brusing on the side of he temple area of her head. Kestra knew that a blow like that would have killed most people but it seems that it has only damaged Susan severly. Kestra knew that at the moment Susan was most likely in a coma. She needed to get Susan to sickbay as soon as possible as more time would only make it worse. Kestra, seeing the captain, her friend for a very long time, in the condition she was in only made her that much more determined to take on the Rogue Winters. She then rose and sat in Susan's chair as she knew she would not have the strength to continue standing once she got started. She also turned the chair so that if she needed any more reason to gather her strength more, she could look on the limp body of her friend and captain. Looking at Susan, she started to bring up the powers that ran her Betazoid abilities. She pulled on the training her mother had taught her during her upbringing t pinpoint at a certain target with everything she had in her. She searched till she brushed the Rogue Winters and started to slowly grab Winters tight before she could put up her shields. Kestra started to dig deep into what she knew was Winter's psyhic and started to pull it out of her forcefully. She also started putting in every terrible incident that ever happened to her and anyone she had ever known, even the death of that young ensign so very long ago during the battle of Starbase 968 that she held in her arms. The only thing that the young Ensign was worried about when she was dieing, was about her daughter. The time that Aragorn had half his face shot off and the sereing pain he had to endure. She also pushed all the pain she had when she heard that her dad had died and with every fear she had at being along without him every again. Then she continued down into Winters to claw at the very pain and essence of the woman that made her what she is and made it a hundred times worse. Grabbing at the power center of the brain that control all the body functions and muscle actions to bring all to a stop, all but her breathing. Kestra wanted this person to live through all that she could. Kestra took on every bad instinct that was ever trained out of her and told not to do to others then forced herself to do it all. Kestra could feel that Winters was trying her best to get around the sudden onsluaght that Kestra was forcing on her. The thought that she had actually been successfully attacked by a person in this universe stunned her. She had felt so good about what she had accomplished while on this other Nimitz. The fact that the only person that could have alerted the crew as to what was happening and the alter person of the one that she dispised in her own reality was actually now attacking her. This Kestra had done what she had never thought of, she had caught her in her glory and snuck in right behind it. Doing so left her wide open to all she was as she was basking in her glory. Kestra felt that Winters had sat down in the Command Chair as she no longer had the ability to keep herself standing. At every effort that Winters tried, Kestra was there to bat it aside and do more pain to her. Kestra kept it up as long as she could knowing that the marines should be on the bridge soon. Kestra knew that she was sweating in the chair that she was sitting in and her very strength was ebbing from her. She was not sure how long that she would be able to continue, knowing the moment that she showed any weakness in her attack, Winter's energy would take over and she would be dead. Kestra knew that Winters had more strength than she had and surprise was the only reason she had gained the upper hand on her. Kestra started to feel that Winters was starting to gather her strength for an assault on her and knew that she would not be able to withstand it. As the very last strength to withstand Winters started to ebb from her, she felt Winters mind just go limp. She knew what she felt was becuase her consciousness had been taken from Winters. Kestra withdrew and feel from the chair to lay breathing hard on the floor for a few seconds. She then crawled her wet body over to Susan to make sure she was still breathing. As she felt that Susan was at least still breathing, she tapped her combadge instinctively. "Medical emergency Captain's Ready Room" she was able to get out before she passed out herself. (Reply anyone that wants to come in or be from medical) (posted by frank) Stardate:2406.04.19 Mission: Oubliette, Day 2 Stardate: 2406.04.19 (USS Nimitz - Bridge - OPS/CONN Ensign Kateb - 1610) Has Onyx made her way, she heard the ship system get back online. She ran to the turbolift and ask for the bridge. When she arrived she saw Sevant, who seem that have had better days and another on the floor with evil Vanyssa. She arrived just in time to hear his question. "This is Commander Sevant... The real one. Get back to the labs, and find a way to close this anomaly in a hurry." A voice replied, brokenly, "Already working on it, hold your horses Vulcan." Sevant ignored that, Falthgood hadn't had a better time then him, he *should* be in sickbay. Then again, Sevant should have also, but there wasn't time. He looked around, "Where is the Captain?" In 2 steps she was beside him. "Commander Sevant, captain Rivers is in her office. I transporter Lt. Troi there. I discovered that Captain Rivers was injured, I don't know how severe." (Reply from Sevant) "I couldn't, the transporters were all locked up. I had to work it manually, it's only one way Sir!" Onyx look at Sevant rushing toward the ready room door before she had finish explaning. (Reply from Sevant, anyone) (Posted by Laurence Durand) Stardate:2406.04.19 Mission: Beyond the Looking Glass Day 1 Stardate: 2406.04.19 (USS Nimitz - Shutlebay - COUNS Vanyssa Winters- 1620) Vanyssa looked up as Sash leaned over her. "Nessa," Sash said, "I want you to get these people to sickbay. I'm not sure that Fickett can make it there by himself." Vanyssa frowned and said. "You are coming, right?" "No," he replied, "I'm heading to the bridge." Vanyssa's frown got a lot worse very quickly. "Now that is not acceptable." She started to say until Sash's very warm hand touched her mostly bare shoulder and he looked into her eyes. "Thanks for your concern, but I will be fine." Vanyssa watched him turn as she limped over to the wall. "Counsellor Winters to sickbay, we need a medical team and two stretchers to the shuttlebay, please." Vanyssa waited for the medical team to arrive and take Nishi and Louis to sickbay. She was headed to the bridge too. She'd goto sickbay when Sash or Sevant did, and not a moment before. Vanyssa stopped into sickbay on her way to the bridge to check on Nishi. Then she saw Rivers on a biobed in the corner. ~Oh, god.~ Vanyssa thought, limping over to the biobed. She looked down at Rivers, seeing the bruising around her throat and the gash on her forehead. She looked over the biobed to see Kestra sedated with teams rushing around her. Vanyssa caught herself as she almost fell. She tried very hard not to start crying. She went over to where Nishi was being treated, and touched his arm gently. "Are you doing any better?" She asked, concerned. (reply Nishi) After she had talked with Nishi, she checked on Louis, who was being repaired. "And how are you doing?" She asked, not referring to his injuries. (reply Fickett) Vanyssa was about to turn when she felt someone jab her with a hypospray, then catch her as she began to fall. She looked up into the smiling nurse's face. "Just relax, Counsellor. We'll take care of you." Which was the last thing she heard before the sedative took effect and the world stopped hurting. (reply Nishi, Fickett, any) (pb melinda) Stardate:2406.04.19 Mission: Beyond the Looking Glass Day 1 Stardate: 2406.04.19 (USS Nimitz - Shutlebay - Catain Sash- 1620) As soon as they were given the all clear Sash maneuvered the shuttlecraft into the shuttlebay. His sholder ached, and he had a raging head ache, and that laugh just keeped going around in his head, but otherwise, he seemed to be in relatively good shape. However the others, Vanyssa, Nakamura, Fickett and Falthgood, all looked pretty bad. Although, in that uniform Nessa.... He put that thought right out of his head. Maybe he was affected more deeply than he thought. No time for that. He felt the need to get to the center of the action, which meant the bridge. "Nessa," Sash said, "I want you to get these people to sickbay. I'm not sure that Fickett can make it there by himself." (reply Winters) "No," he replied, "I'm heading to the bridge." (reply Wintes) He put his hands on Nessa's sholders and looked into her eyes. Years melted away. Her eyes were still as piercing as ever. "Thanks for your concern, but I will be fine." He knew that she knew he was lying, but she let him go anyway. And he made his way to the bridge. (USS Nimitz - Bridge - Catain Sash- 1622) When Sash stepped onto the bridge it was like he was coming home- to somebody elses home. He looked at the bodies lying on the floor, and realized they ween't all dead. He was passed by marines carrying the Alter-Sevant off to the brig. At least, he hoped it was the Alter-Sevant. He looked around the bridge to find Sevant, but he was nowhere to be seen. Then he saw an open door to what must be the Captain's Ready Room. He took a step towards it. Somebody came up to him with an air of confrontation. If he didn't know better he'd have thought she were an Acamarian. "Sir... Can I ask who you are?" "I am Captain Sash," he replied simply, totally ingoring her attitude and kept scanning the scene on the bridge, "of the USS Endeavor." Onyx didn't like that tone but said nothing at least not out loud. "If you are searching for Commander Sevant, he is in the ready room." Onyx sat back at her console. "The USS Endeavor has been missing for sometimes now... for the record... what happenned?" Sash knew that this was coming so he figured he could practice saying it on this ensign. "My ship was lost to the Mirror Universe. My crew was lost also." His eyes dropped at that. It was all he could do to maintain the hardness in his voice. Then he looked into the ensign's eyes, "For the record." He took a deep breath and said, "You are an impertinant little one aren't you? What is your name ensign?" Onyx was a bit surprised but didn't let it show and it was right. The little one titled did rub her the wrong way. "Ensign Onyx Kateb, Chief OPS, Sir! Your statement has been recorded. Do you want me to inform Commander Sevant that you want to see him? I presume that is why you are here." ~Not for my beautiful eyes... that's for sure!~ she thought. Sash smiled. She wasn't about to be intimidated by him. He thought he could get to like this Ensign Kateb. She had gumption. "Thank you Ensign Katab," he said, with a big smile, "I would appreciate that." As she turned walk away he called her back. "Ensign, have you ever questioned a captain's orders?" "Right away Sir!" Onyx turn to look at the Captain to answer is last question. "I never did!" Sash nodded sadly, ~Start thinking about it~ but said nothing. As Katab walked away Sash couldn't help but think that something was amiss on the bridge. Then it came to him. Where the hell was the Alter-Vanyssa Winters? (reply Sevant, Winters, any) (posted by Al Muir, with a cameo from Laurence Durand) Stardate:2406.04.19 Mission: Oubliette Day 2 Stardate: 2406.04.19 (USS Nimitz - Shuttlebay - Evil Nakamura- 16:20) Nishi was busy, mostly making mistakes, the shuttle systems were different from the ones he was used to, and he wasn't a pilot. "We'll go for help, they shouldn't know that we're gone, not until it's too late" he was explaining as he tried to communicate with the Nimitz computer, and figure out a way to hide the shuttle from her sensors. "Nishi, are you alright?" asked Eloise, concern and something else in her voice, he wasn't sure, maybe it was the pressure he was under, but he thought he heard suspicion in her tone. "Of course" he replied quickly, "don't worry, we'll get out of the shuttlebay then transport Ryuichi aboard. it'll give..." [unable to preform command] interrupted the shuttle's computer. "Damn!" Nishi thumped his palm against the console, somehow he had instructed the shuttle to vent excess plasma. "Stupid thing" "Don't worry, I'll get us out of here, as soon as I figure this thing out" he said, concentrating on the shuttle's launch systems. "I'm not loosing you, or what we have." he said grimly, the irony of his words was lost on him. Without warning the shuttle controls went dead. "No, damn it, come on!" he shouted in frustration as the lights of the console died, nothing would respond. In his mind, he could feel the same chain he had worn 18 years ago, wrap around his leg again, and knew he was trapped. He plucked the two phasers from the co-pilots seat and checked them. There was a movement behind him and he turned to see Eloise darting out of the shuttle door. He took a deep breath, and calmed himself, let his soldiers training take over, inspected the shuttle bay through the window, then switched one of the phasers to stun before making his way toward the door. (Reply; Sash, or Security) (Posted; A) Stardate:2406.04.19 Mission: Oubliette Day 2 Stardate: 2406.04.19 (USS Nimitz - Shuttlebay - Eloise Ferenc- 16:21) Nishi was acting strangely, no it wasn't strangely, it was wrong. The way he was talking; there was something lacking from his voice, the confidence; she had been with Nishi in all kinds of situations, and she knew that he might question his actions most of the time, but she also knew that in a tense situation, that's when he just acts. "We'll go for help, they shouldn't know that we're gone, not until it's too late" he was talking quickly, as he concentrated on the shuttle console, she could see sweat forming on his brow. "Nishi, are you alright?" She asked, worried that maybe he was sick. "Of course" his reply was a little quick, as if he were hiding something. Again she felt it; something was very wrong. "Don't worry, we'll get out of the shuttlebay then transport Ryuichi aboard. it'll give..." [unable to preform command] spoke the computer. "Damn!" Nishi thumped his palm against the console. "Stupid thing!" She didn't knew anything about shuttles, but she knew that Nishi did, in fact he knew them so well that he shouldn't even need look at the controls, suddenly Eloise knew that she had to get away, that whatever was wrong with him, was very serious. When the shuttle's lights and power suddenly died, she took her chance and ran through the door and out into the shuttlebay, ducking between two empty shuttles. She stopped, her back against one of the shuttles, her heart pounding in her throat, her breathing shallow and quick - there was a good 15 meters of open space, between her and the shuttlebay doors. (Reply; Sash, Security) (Posted; A) Stardate:2406.04.19 Mission: Oubliette, Day 2 Stardate: 2406.04.19 (USS Nimitz - Bridge - OPS/CONN Ensign Kateb - 1621) Onyx saw Sash working the computer console, she did notice that something was going on in the main shuttlebay and was working on it shutting down and calling security quietly sending them a message, and surprise to learn that Sash did the same. Suddenly, he ordered a site to site transport to the shuttlebay, little did he knew that she deactivated all the weapons on that sector, including Captain Sash's weapon. She smiled at that, but a part of her knew that he should deserve much more then that. He wasn't on his ship. She scanned the shuttle bay, and watch was going on, she saw Eloise there, running away and a man, from the biosignature, it was alternate Nishi. She had to get her out of there. Onyx let her fingers do the work, used the distraction of Sash's presence, and transported to get Eloise out of the shuttlebay and into sickbay where she would see the real Nishi. At the same time, she sent an urgent message to Sevant and decided to leave immidiatly for the main shuttle bay. (USS Nimitz - Main Shuttle bay - 1630) Onyx arrived in front of the door, her heart pounding, when the door open, she just kept herself against the door and the wall. She didn't bring any phaser with her, for the simple reason that she didn't want to give a chance to the alternate Nishi. "Nishi, it's over... Eloise is gone and is in sickbay with the right Nishi... Give up now. No weapons are working here, I have lock them all and this room also. Security is coming as we speak." (Reply from Sash, Nishi, anyone) (Posted by Laurence Durand) Stardate:2406.04.19 Mission:  Oubliette Mission Day:2 Stardate:  2406.04.19  (USS Nimitz- Bridge- Captain Devon Sash-1622) Sash had been left to wander the bridge.  As he walked by the security station he noticed something that looked a little strange.  Looking around he could see that everyone there was a little busy so he casually touched some keys on the panel to bring up a display.  Someone had made an effort to hide the internal sensor readings of a STS transport.  It would have worked to but for the fact that cargo transporters ran on a different diagnostic cycle than the normal transporters.  And this person had been using the cargo transporters. He let his curiosity get the better of him and he started to look closer at the display.  Accessing the records he noticed that a program had been activated to transport somebody off the bridge to Lt. Commander Nakamura's quarters.  Nakamura?  There was still one member of the alter-Away team at large.  He was obviously trying to make a break for it.  Sash checked the internal sensors again and another STS transport had been recorded.  He also noticed that a shuttlecraft was powering up and preparing for departure.  The Angosian captain worked quickly.  With his left he brought up the access codes for the shuttle and began to power down the shuttle.  He also locked out all of the other shuttles on that deck. With his right hand he typed in a text only message to the central security, requesting a team be sent to the main shuttlebay and to detain Nakamura.  There would be odd looks amongst them, but they would follow text orders over the voice directives of an officer they had little information about.  This way the orders would be carried out, hopefully, and questions would be asked later. He reached down to pick up a fallen phaser, and felt a slight twinge of his wounded shoulder.  ~I must be getting old.~ "Computer," he called out,"STS to main shuttlebay."  As he began to be taken by the transporter effect he thought, ~Definitely too old.~   (reply anyone wanting to be a Security Officer) (posted by Al Muir)       Stardate:2406.04.19 Mission: Oubliette Day 2 Stardate: 2406.04.19 (USS Nimitz - Shuttlebay - Captain Sash- 16:22) Sash materialized on the shuttle bay in time to see a woman come running out of a shuttle. He raised his phaser and headed over to it. There was another movement and a man came out of the shuttle. He looked battle ready, obviously someone who had seen fighting before. He must have known something was happening and so surprise was not the obvious benefit to this situation. So he called out. "Stop right there." Nakamura turned and Sash saw the phaser. Sash fired quickly, but nothing happened. He checked the setting on his phaser and fired again. "Oh great, could this day possibly get any worse." Then he saw Nakamura look at his weapons. They obviously were not working too, otherwise he would probably be dead right now. Droppin his own phaser Sash made a dash for the open shuttle door. The corner of his eye caught the woman disappearing in a transporter beam. With her out of the way, this would be much easier. He wasn't having to watch out for innicent bystanders. "It's over Nakamura. You might as well give it up." (reply Nakamura) (posted by Al Muir) Stardate:2406.04.19 Mission: Oubliette Day 2 Stardate: 2406.04.19 (Uss Nimtz - Shuttlebay - SPC Eloise Ferenc - 16:23) Eloise ran, she was breathing quickly, adrenaline coursing through her veins. Nishi was acting strangely, she didn't think he would hurt her, but right now she wasn't sure, all she knew is she didn't want to leave the ship, not with him, she didn't know why. Trying to hide would be a mistake, he would find her, but trying to run the 15 metres to the door, would never work; Nishi was faster, and she'd have to stop and wait for the doors to open. The only option she could think of was to get to a shuttle, hope it would open and lock it, maybe contact somebody from inside. There was a yell, somebody said something, all she knew was that it wasn't Nishi's voice, She turned to see a man she didn't recognise moving across the shuttlebay floor, a phaser in his hand. Distracted, her foot came down a tool that had been left laying on the floor, it slid, and she fell, her ankle twisting as she did. She tried to get to her feet, but her ankle wouldn't take her weight and she fell again, clutching her foot in pain. She glanced back across the floor, the stranger was rushing toward Nishi, she wanted to cry out, to stop him from hurting him, but she never got the chance, the blue light of a transport beam surrounded her and she was gone. (USS Nimitz - Sickbay - SPC Eloise Ferenc - 16:26) Eloise, found herself on the floor of sickbay, a rushing medic nearly fell to the floor trying to avoid her, whomever had transported her had deposited her in right down the end, of sick bay, she couldn't see much of the rooms, but what she could see told her that the place was busy. "Somebody get to shuttlebays, Nishi's in trouble" she pleaded, from her position on the floor, her hands wrapped protectivly around her ankle. (Reply: Medical, anybody) (Posted: A) Stardate:2406.04.19 Mission: Beyond the Looking Glass Day 1 Stardate: 2406.04.19 (USS Nimitz - Sickbay - Lt. Cmdr. Nakamura- 16:31) Nishi had watched the ceiling, not really comprehending what was going on, as the anti-grav stretcher had brought him to Sickbay, people scanning him and talking as they hurried through the corridors. Sickbay, the smell of the place triggered off memories; Lt. Shrub and the promise he had forced Nishi to make, only moments before he had died. "Just relax Commander" said a medic "You've lost a lot of blood, but you'll be fine" Sickbay was busy, too busy, nurses and medical staff rushing around. Dermal regenerators were applied to Nishi's cuts, and scans were taken Nishi remembered feeling like a child, as a doctor (who's name he couldn't remember), given him an "I'm very disappointed in you" lecture, after he and Major Anders had wrestled and played, while she was supposed to be recovering. His mind jumped to another memory, Anders was the link, she had tried to kiss him as they sparred in the gym, Eloise had nearly killed him. A medic applied something to Nishi's forehead, after a number of scans had been taken, and a number of discussions had been had, she didn't explain what it did, just told him that it would help. Another sickbay memory surfaced; walking in with a badly chaffed backside, after trying to ride a holographic horse and meeting a pretty young nurse, who had insisted that he remove his pants there and then, Eloise loved to mock him about how embarrassed he had been. Counsellor winters approached him, and Nishi couldn't help notice how tired she looked, practically exhausted. Like Dr. Ficket on the shuttle, she was clearly thinking of other before herself, the same look of concern was there in her eyes. "Are you doing any better?" She asked. Nishi nodded. "Things are starting to settle a little, the memories are a little random, but I'm sorting them out" he said with a smile. He returned the look of concern she had given him "You look like you're ready to collapse" he said. (Reply; Winters) "What about the ship?" he asked "How bad was it, this time?" he said, noticing the captain for the first time since he had arrived in sick bay. (Reply: Winters) (Posted; Alister) Stardate:2406.04.19 Mission: Oubliette Day 2 Stardate: 2406.04.19 (USS Nimitz - Sickbay - COUNS Winters- 16:31) "Are you doing any better?" She asked. Nishi nodded. "Things are starting to settle a little, the memories are a little random, but I'm sorting them out" he said with a smile. He returned the look of concern she had given him "You look like you're ready to collapse" he said. Vanyssa smiled wearily. "You are not being bold, I am tired." She looked down. "What about the ship?" he asked "How bad was it, this time?" he said, noticing the captain for the first time since he had arrived in sick bay. Vanyssa followed his look across sickbay. "From what I can tell, pretty bad." She restrained the urge to hug him. "Our doubles had taken over the ship, while Lt. Zzt and his engineering crew were in the middle of a warp drive calibration. Our doubles had locked out the ship. The 'alter' Sevant took out Captain Rivers as a liability and set himself counterpart... up as captain and FO. "As for Kestra." Vanyssa continued, "She got shot full of a nasty cocktail of telepathic suppressant and sadative, then took the antidote, then shot herself full of another nasty mix of telepathic enhancement drugs, and in the process almost killed herself occupying my counterpart so that Lee and Kateb could gas the bridge and take out the intruders. The last thing I'd heard, they were all in custody." Vanyssa assured him. "I don't know what we'll do with them...we blew up their ship on the way out." (reply Nishi, any) (pb melinda) Stardate:2406.04.19 Mission: Oubliette Day 2 Stardate: 2406.04.19 (USS Nimitz, Outside shuttle bay, CEO, Lt Zzt, 16:32) Zzt grumbled to himself as he approached the main shuttle bay. The warp drive overload had been averted, but now things seemed to be going haywire in the shuttle bay. With tool kit in paw, Zzt had left his engineers to finish up with straightening up in main engineering while he went to investigate what was going on in the shuttle bay. Secretly, Zzt hoped the traitors Vulcan was trying to make a break for it. Zzt would make sure he paid for what he had done to Captain Rivers. Zzt entered the shuttle bay to a surprising sight. Nishi in a heated battle with someone strange man in a Star Fleet uniform. Zzt sniffed the air, catching Nishi and the strangers scent. ~Who is that?~ Zzt could see that Nishi was quickly losing the contest. Zzt moved quickly his large legs easily covering the distance in a few strides. Lifting his tool kit high, Zzt batted the stranger hard. The Stranger flew through the air for several feet before hitting the deck and sliding several more feet before coming to halt. "You leave Nishi lone," Zzt said, his tool-kit still rose over head. He looked at Nishi, nodded, then moved over to pick the stranger up by the collar. Zzt bared his large fangs. "Who you? Why you try hurt Nishi?" Zzt asked, menacingly. He gave the stranger a small shake to help elicit an answer. "No make Zzt hit you again." Zzt held the stranger out with tool-kit raise high, ready to bat him back across the shuttle bay. (Reply Sash, Evil Nishi, Onyx, Any) (Posted by Wes) Stardate:2406.04.19 Mission: Oubliette Day 2 Stardate: 2406.04.19 (USS Nimitz - Sickbay - Lt. Cmdr. Nakamura- 16:32) "From what I can tell, pretty bad. Our doubles had taken over the ship, while Lt. Zzt and his engineering crew were in the middle of a warp drive calibration. Our doubles had locked out the ship. The 'alter' Sevant took out Captain Rivers as a liability and set himself counterpart... up as captain and FO. As for Kestra. She got shot full of a nasty cocktail of telepathic suppressant and sedative, then took the antidote, then shot herself full of another nasty mix of telepathic enhancement drugs, and in the process almost killed herself occupying my counterpart so that Lee and Kateb could gas the bridge and take out the intruders. The last thing I'd heard, they were all in custody." "I don't know what we'll do with them...we blew up their ship on the way out." The logical part of Nishi's mind told him that Kestra was dead, that the Kestra that winters was talking about was the "good" one, the one who had been his shipmate, on and off, since he had graduated from the academy. Yet, the terror was deeper than the logical part of his mind, it lived in the pit of his stomach, in his spine, and in his skin, it wanted him to run. Nishi's swallowed to relieve the dryness in his throat, "What about me, I mean the other me, did he hurt anybody?" he asked, the image of kestra taunting him, Ryuichi's stuffed toy in her hands, was all to fresh in his mind. [Reply; Winters] NRPG: I'll see if I can set evil Nishi up to get caught before this time, I can't imagine that he'd be free on the ship for 15 minutes. RPG: "I don't like the idea of there being another me running around in our reality" Nishi rubbed his face absently, and nearly knocked off the what-ever-it-was, that the medic had put on his temple. "We'll figure something out" he said a little dismissively, not really wanting to think about it, it was a messy issue, one that his mind wanted to shy away from. He was slowly becoming very aware of the weariness in his body, and his ability to focus seemed to be drifting again. (Reply; Winters) (Posted: A) Stardate:2406.04.19 Mission: Oubliette, Day 2 Stardate: 2406.04.19 (USS Nimitz - Main Shuttle bay - OPS/CONN - 1633) Onyx moved forward toward a voice which was unmistakable it was Zzt, not understanding what was going. "Who you? Why you try hurt Nishi?" Zzt asked, menacingly. He gave the stranger a small shake to help elicit an answer. "No make Zzt hit you again." Zzt held the stranger out with tool-kit raise high, ready to bat him back across the shuttle bay. "ZZT!" Onyx screamed now really angry. "Stop this right now, back off! It's not are Nishi he is fighting, it's the alternate." (Reply from Zzt) "I'm certain, the real Nishi is in Sickbay right now." Using her strong voice that she learn to have on the Klingon warship. In the mean time, she was blocking the way from the alternate Nishi who wasn't too happy. "The ship is buzzing with rumors and you didn't hear any of it." Onyx gave a sharp look at captain Sash. "Are you ok?" (Reply from Sash) Has he replied and wasn't happy, she saw Zzt moving toward the alternate Nishi. ~Poor guy he is in trouble! Well, I will leave him a couple of minutes with him.~ Onyx smiled. "What I should have done? One, you should have said to me what you saw Captain Sash, at my knowledge... IT'S NOT YOUR SHIP. What I should have done is transport you in the brig right from where I was on the bridge! That would have teach you some manners." Onyx grab the arm of the Captain and yank him back on his feet. "One last thing... don't take me for granted. I'm more then what I look like." Onyx turn around and saw the security detail coming in. "Stolev... Zzt is holding the alternate Nishi for you... Have fun. I will take Captain Sash to sickbay and no buts about it. Sir!" (Reply from Sash, alter Nishi, Stolev, Zzt anyone) (Posted by Laurence Durand) Stardate:2406.04.19 Mission: Oubliette Day 2 Stardate: 2406.04.19 (USS Nimitz - Shuttlebay - Captain Sash- 16:35) Nakamura may have a good mind in for stratagy in his head, but he was not such a great fighter, hand to hand. And faced with Sash's training and genetic predisposition he was little match. He had dealt the man with a few devatating blows and was closing in for the "big finish". But he had become careless, or perhaps it was fatigue. but he hadn't noticed anyone approaching him. Suddenly there was a bright light and pain though his head. The next thing he knew he was laying on the floor several meters away from a now smiling Nakamura. He turned his head painfully, blood flowing from the open gash, tosee a huge walking carpet coming towards him. It was speaking, but Sash did not understand a word of it. Maybe the blow had damaged his universal translator. No it was the thumping inside his head he couldn't hear over. The carpet hefted a rather large toolbox over his head as if to bring it down on Sash's skull. Such a blow would be fatal. Ssh tried to move but he was still too stunned. His mind cleared and his hearing began to work as he heard a familiar voice. "ZZT! Stop this right now, back off! It's not are Nishi he is fighting, it's the alternate." Sash looked up at the huge furry- bear?- and smiled at him. ~Maybe if I scratch behind his ear he'll like me? Don't see any ladders around here though.~ Suddenly a hand was offered to him and his memory began to work again. It was Onyx, the you Acamarian from the bridge. "Are you ok?" Hfelt the goose egg on the his head, as it was already getting smaller. Blood had already stopped flowing from it. "Yes, thank you," he said. "I've had worse. I wish you had warned me about that guy." "What I should have done? One, you should have said to me what you saw Captain Sash, at my knowledge... IT'S NOT YOUR SHIP. What I should have done is transport you in the brig right from where I was on the bridge! That would have teach you some manners." Onyx grab the arm of the Captain and yank him back on his feet. "One last thing... don't take me for granted. I'm more then what I look like." Sash took her hand and smiled. He liked her vivaciousness. Suddenly he didn't believe her when she said she had never questioned a captain's orders. "I appologize Ensign," Sash said. "You must realize that I am only a lowly Captain inthis beings Starfleet, and can sometimes get caught up in the moment. I realize I should have said something. Let's just say it was the fatigue. Believe me Ensign, I will never take you for granted." As the security detail came running into the shuttlebay Onyx appraised them of the situation and said d=she was taking Sash to sickbay. Sash began to protest. "I really don't think that's necessary Ensign..." he gean but was soon interupted. (reply Onyx) (posted by Al Muir) Stardate:2406.04.19 Mission: Oubliette, Day 2 Stardate: 2406.04.19 (USS Nimitz - Sick Bay - ACMO Lt. Kestra Troi - 1635) Kestra stepped around and watched as Vanyssa could hardly look at her on the biobed as teams rushing around her. She wanted to tell Vanyssa that she did what she was ordered but had not known when to back off as the group came in. She only knew that they were there at the end when she was losing her strength and the Rogue Winters' mind went limp. She wanted to comfort Vanyssa as she could see that she had been through just as much or worse that she had given the Rogue, but, as she looked down at her body she was not sure that she would ever tell her any of it. She then saw something that she had not thought would happen, she was looking at what appeared to be herself. The other her was also looking down at her, their, body, then she looked at Kestra. "Who, what are you?" Kestra asked the other one. "So you succeeded in doing what was needed." The dark Kestra spoke mockingly. "How does it make you feel? Joyous, powerful? You were the most powerful telepath on the ship." "who, what, am i? I'm you." the other spoke simply "I did only what I needed to do, I was the only one that could, I had to do it, no one else could. The Rogue would have slaughtered the team when they arrived and they would have taken the ship." Kestra said almost crying that she had to go to extreme measures. At first she was eager to do battle with the Rogue now she was running on guilt. "You cant be me, I cant be you! I am here and I have to get back in my body before they give up on me and let me die." Kestra struggled with what she was telling herself. "But they won't let you die." The dark Kestra spoke. "They don't do that kind of thing here. They will keep you alive until you die like David Dark did. They will do their best for you." The way she said best made it seem like a foul word. "But you know how to wake up, right?" "No how?" Kestra was not following what she, it was saying. The dark Kestra walked around the table and put one finger under the light Kestra's chin, tilting her face up to look the dark Kestra in the eye. "How did you get here?" She asked, seductively. "I did battle with the Rogue and I exhuasted most of my energy. I guess they brought me down when the med team got to the ready room." Kestra said trying to remember what all that happened or would have happened. "Yes, and exhaustion is something that rest will fix, won't it?" The dark Kestra whispered. "But I can fix it." "How can you fix it?" Kestra asked getting a bit curious at what she, it was getting at. The dark Kestra held out a fancy goblet to her. "All you have to do is drink this. It will fix all your problems." She promised. Kestra was beginning to think that something was not right with what she, it was saying. As a doctor she thought that she should be able to just sleep there and all would be right. But, she was feeling that the agent that she had taken was a bit more than what she had thought at the beginning. She looked at the pretty gold goblet with fancy etching all over it as it beckoned to her. She felt that if she took the goblet and drake what was in it, she would feel oh so much better. She would have all that power back again, but, she couldnt. She only took it to help the ship, what would she say was the cause now in taking it. "No, I can not in all good consciousness take it. I will wait for my body to heal from taking it the first time." Kestra said with resolve. "But what if you won't heal wthout it? Doesn't the ship need you right now? Isn't that reason enough?" "Yes, the ship needs me but they also need a doctor that is not as sick or worse than they are." Kestra replied then her body on the biobed started going into siezures and she watched as the team fought frantically to stop it. "But you won't be sick. You'll be whole. You'll finally be your mother's daughter, the one that you were meant to be. " The dark one spoke impassioned. Kestra watched the team around her body and then looked back at her, it thinking about what she, it had just said. She, it had a good point she would be back so that she could do some good for the away team. But, something just did not feel right about it which kept her fighting against her urge to give in. "No, I would not be whole and I am already my mothers daughter. I can not depend on you each time I need to get a boost. I would eventually be worse than I am now." The dark Kestra smiled seductively. "But I would have you...any way that I can." And then she pinned the light Kestra to the ground. "I will not let you die for this morality." Kestra felt the cold floor pressing against her back thinking that it should not be cold as she was not really in her body. Then she felt the slack in connection with her body on the biobed and knew that her heart had just stopped. The team started going into high gear to get her heart back beating again. This made Kestra scared and looked into her, it's eyes that if she would just let in, she would live. Kestra did not want to die, but, would this part of her keep her alive. Kestra could feel that her resolve and logical thinking was slipping as was her chance of living on the biobed. "Why do you want me, arent you me? Why not take it yourself?" Kestra asked hoping for a way to justify taking it again. The dark Kestra looked down at her lighter counterpart. "I am your subconscious, i can not make this decision." And the dark Kestra sounded almost regretful. "It is only you that can. I can show you the consequences of not doing so, but time is growing short." Kestra could feel the thin thread that was keeping her from leaving her body forever stretching so much thinner. She knew that she did not have much time left if the team was not successful in reviving her. She continued to grow scared of leaving and the draw of what she, it was saying was getting stronger and stronger. It had to be her decision to take the goblet or not knowing that if she took more of it, she would have to take more and more of it as time passed. Kestra looked up into her face as it looked down at her then she had a sudden surge as her thread thickened and she could tell that the team had gotten her heart beating once again. "If it is I who has to make the decision, then I decide to resist and hope I can continue to resist you." Kestra said as she felt the pull her body was giving her. The dark Kestra nodded, and moved one hand off of the light Kestra's wrist, to force her to look into her eyes. "Are you so sure that you can resist me?" She asked leaning down and kissing the light Kestra fully on the mouth, making the cord connecting the light Kestra to her body strengthen. Kestra did not want her body strengthening the way she, it wanted. Kestra pushed her, it away as she shook her head no. "I am not going to have you force me, I will fight it on my own. Now leave me." Kestra said as forcefully as she knew how in a reality as this. She could still feel that her body was about to pull her back into it and then maybe she could awaken to fight it easier. The dark Kestra stood up and moved back, shaking her head. "Would you really forsake me?" "How could I, you are me, but, I have to fight you. You are my other self that wants to do what I know that I should not. You are my other self that liked what I did and felt the power in doing it. You are my other self that wants to keep that level of power. You are my other self that wants to be better than all other telepaths. But, I am the one that has to stop me." Kestra said as she was losing the tie to that reality. "I am all that and more, Kestra. Didn't you like what we did?" She asked, softly "I did what I had to do, you did what you wanted to do. I, we can not do that again. I will stop you, me if I can and I know it wont be easy. I know you will be knocking at my door for a long time, but, I will win." Kestra said as she opened her eyes to look into the faces of the team working on her and she felt the other one giggle knowing that she would not be too far away. "Doctor, you had us worried there for a little while." Nurse Wang said with a smile, "We are going to give you something to help you sleep for a while." She finished as she started to gather the hypospray up and putting the sedative into it. "How....turn... out..." Kestra tried to speak but had only enough strength to get a few words out. "We won, you helped turn the tide but you over extended yourself even with the enhancement. Now you need to rest from it, so, good night doctor." Nurse Wang replied with a smile as she started to apply the sedative. Kestra shook her head to get the Nurse to hold off, "Captain?" Kestra was able to ask. "She was hurt really bad," Nurse Wang had a concerned look on her face as she turned to look where the captain lay, "we are going to have to take her to Geneva for more help than we can do for her and I predict that they will send her to earth. But, she is alive and now you need to sleep." Wang finished as she returned her attention to Kestra. Kestra tried to say something more, but, Wang would have none of it and pressed the hypo to Kestra's neck. After a few seconds, Kestra was off in dreamland, so, she could get the healing sleep she needed. (Reply from none, any) (posted by Frank with cameo help from Melinda) Stardate:2406.04.19 Mission: Oubliette, Day 2 Stardate: 2406.04.19 (USS Nimitz, Sickbay, 1950) Vanyssa woke up to see both Katie and her daughter, Jennah standing beside her, with the nurse. Vanyssa gratefully took the glass of water and croaked out "What happened?" She looked over and saw Rivers still out, as was Kestra. Katie looked down at Jennah, and obviously something passed between them, because Jennah hugged her mother and left sickbay. "Why can't I hear anything?" Vanyssa asked in concern. The nurse laughed and Katie grinned. "Well, Counsellor, you severely over-extended yourself, and had massive swelling around the area that governed psychic activity. We reduced the swelling and have blocked your telepathic senses to allow the damage to heal fully." And then the nurse glared at her. "And we are not going to unblock them till this heals fully Counsellor! You wouldn't have had this trouble if you had waited for it to heal." Vanyssa nodded, and realized that her head didn't quite hurt as much. "What happened to Captain Rivers?" (reply either Aaron or Frank, whoever wants to play medical) Vanyssa nodded. "And how are Lt. Nakamura and Lt. Fickett doing?" She asked. "And Commander Sevant and Lt. Falthgood?" (again reply whoever wants to be medical) Vanyssa leaned against Katie, wanting a hug, which Katie gratefully gave her. "Vanyssa, there is something that you should know." Katie began. "We received word this afternoon that David didn't survive the last operation." Vanyssa didn't even realize that she was crying until the first tears hit her hands. "The strange thing is that your alter seemed to know about it." Katie spoke quietly, ignoring Vanyssa's tears in a very betazoid way. Vanyssa nodded and sniffled, accepting the tissue from the nurse. "Does Jennah know?" Katie shook her head. Vanyssa nodded. "Yes, it would be bad for her to think that both of her parents could have..." and Vanyssa just held her head in her hands as the tears came harder, unaware that almost everyone in sickbay was looking at her. She cried about the torture, the pain, the death of the alter Kestra, the stress, and the death of David. When she finished, she felt a lot better. She looked up at the nurse. "When can I leave." Vanyssa asked blandly. (again, from whoever wants to play medical) Vanyssa nodded. "When is the senior staff meeting to discuss what happened?" (nrpg: this hasn't been planned yet, but should be, Al, Jeremy?) Vanyssa nodded. "Well, then, lets get me to my quarters so I can get a shower and into something a little, uh...more regulation." Vanyssa looked down at her counterparts uniform and frowned. "Speaking of my counter-part, is she in the brig?" Katie replied in the affirmative, and the nurse cautioned Vanyssa to take it slowly on her she had broken it and thrown the bones way out of alignment by walking on it, and they were still very fragile. Vanyssa nodded, still not really feeling like herself, still feeling very numb inside. Katie helped her to her quarters, and Vanyssa asked her to keep the girls for the rest of the day. Vanyssa sat down on her couch and looked around her quarters. Echoes of David were everywhere, and it made her feel very sad to think of life without him. She looked up when she heard the chime, and said "Come" (whoever wants to be there, maybe Sash? *grin*) (reply by medical, and the mysterious visitor) (pb melinda) Stardate:2406.04.19 Mission: Oubliette, Day 2 Stardate: 2406.04.19 (USS Nimitz,Winters' Quarters , Captain Devan Sash, 2000) Sash hit the door chime to Vanyssa's quarters with a clear plan of what he wanted to say to her. ~Just wanted to talk about old times? Î can't believe I'm 60 years old, and still have trouble talking to Vanyssa Winters.~ He shook his head and waited for the door to open. He herd Nessa's voice say, "Come," and the door opened. Sash walked in to see Nessa sitting on the couch, looking somewhat bedraggled and forlorn. He smiled a warm smile at her and stepped towards her slowly. "You gave us all a little scare there, young lady," Sash said in mock admonishment. "How are you feeling?" (reply Winters) Sash transfered weght from one foot to the other, feeling quite out of his elelment. "Well, I just wated to check in on you and see how you were. I'm sure youre tired and want to ah... change your clothes." He indicated to the uniform she was stll wearing from the Mirror Universe. That much flesh was making him feel even more uncomfortable. "We can catch up later." He turned to leave. (reply Winters) (posted by Al Muir) Stardate:2406.04.19 Mission: Oubliette, Day 2 Stardate: 2406.04.19 (USS Nimitz-Winters' Quarters - Captain Devan Sash & COUNS Winters, 2001) "Come," and the door opened. Sash walked in to see Nessa sitting on the couch, looking somewhat bedraggled and forlorn. He smiled a warm smile at her and stepped towards her slowly. "You gave us all a little scare there, young lady," Sash said in mock admonishment. "How are you feeling?" Vanyssa looked up at Sash and said nothing for a moment. "I don't know how I feel. I feel, strange, sad. Guilty, lonely. Nothing that can be fixed, I guess." She watched him shifting weight almost in amusement at his nervousness. "Well, I just wanted to check in on you and see how you were. I'm sure you're tired and want to ah... change your clothes." He indicated to the uniform she was still wearing from the Mirror Universe. That much flesh was making him feel even more uncomfortable. "We can catch up later." He turned to leave. Vanyssa said, "Wait, please?" She looked down at the floor. "Please stay. I need a friend to talk to, and there isn't anyone that I would rather." She got up and walked over to her bedroom, went inside and came out a few minutes later. She had changed into a floor length loose dress and brushed out her red almost knee-length hair. "Is that better?" She asked, sitting back down on her couch. Sash had never thought himself to be a prude. But there was just something about Vanyssa that made him nervous. He did feel a little more comfortable with her more fully dressed. He sat on the edge of the couch. "So what's on your mind," he smiled. "Now isn't that supposed to be your line?" he saw his little joke didn't go over well. "So talk to me Nessa. I'm always there for you." "I don't know what I feel so guilty about. I guess it's that this was my first real command assignment and I messed up. I mean, really, totally, royally messed up. I don't know what I could have done differently, but going catatonic certainly wasn't the right thing to do. I almost got all of us killed, multiple times. I mean, what kind of command officer messes up that badly? Maybe that woman on the Vanguard was right, maybe I am no kind of Officer." She tucked her knees up under her, and put her chin on them, looking really forlorn and kind of lost. "Susan may die, the ship is in disarray, we have the counterparts here, and I don't know what to do with them.... And... And David is dead." Vanyssa finished in a whisper. Sash was quiet for moment at the last comment. He had heard through the grape vine that she had bonded with someone but never found out anything more about it. But he had heard about this David dying. It was one of the reasons he had come to see her.. "I heard," he said softly and reached over to hold her hand. "I'm sorry." Then he changed his tone. "As for the other stuff. Command and mistakes go hand in hand.? If you can't stand making mistakes then you don't belong in command. But let me tell you this. From what I saw, you did a great job. You took command in a very troublesome situation. I didn't see any mistakes. You thought of your crewmates before yourself, which is always the mark of a good commander. You made decisions that needed to be made. Right or wrong, they needed to be made. Sometimes making the wrong decisions is just part of the job." He paused for a moment, checking to make sure that he hadn't cut too deep into her wound. He could see the tears start to form in her eyes but she was still sitting up. "Listen, I could tell you of a captain who decided to take his ship into an unknown space anomaly and lost his entire ship and crew. Did he make a mistake? I don't know. We're explorers, and part of exploration is dangerous. Sometimes were going to get a bloody nose, or loose a limb, or an entire crew. It happens. What makes a good commander is how you deal with the situation and move on." Then he continued, "And as for that woman on the Vanguard. She can kiss my..., well anyway she can try and get herself out of the situation you just did. I, personally was impressed by your performance." "I don't think she would have gotten herself into the situation I did. I mean, some of the mistakes that I made in the past, like getting myself captured by terrorists and held hostage... those I always chalked up to lack of experience. But Susan thought I was worthy of command, and I guess I really wasn't. I guess I need to hear from her mouth that I didn't cause this whole situation." She squeezed Sash's hand and looked up into his eyes. "My father thought you a fine officer... He thought you had potential that others didn't aboard the Newman. And you proved him right. He never said those things about me." She dropped his hands and hugged her knees tighter. "You're father was a good judge of character," Sash smiled, "but had a tendancy to be overly critical." He could see that he wasn't getting through so took another tactic. "Tell me about David." "David was the marine commander of this ship for a very long time. Before that he was the MXO of the Vanguard, which is where I met him. We dated off and on, but I was more involved with his boss, Cyan, than I was with David... Anyways!" Vanyssa continued. "David had a trial because he and the marine commander that replaced Cyan after Cyan was promoted, tried to overthrow the Captain. The traitor was killed, and David was absolved of the charges in a hearing. The Captain of this ship at the time, Remae Ktell, gave him a second chance when other Captains would not. When I got thrown off the Vanguard for insubordination of that woman I was telling you about, I ran right into him and we just..clicked. From the first day." Vanyssa smiled in remembrance. "David remembered Jennah's parents, and didn't mind being a father to her. And then we moved in together, and I was pregnant with Kat, and we got honeymoon because of Starfleet..and now he's dead. I was a bride for about a year." And then the tears did begin to flow. "I don't know how to tell Jennah that her father is dead. I don't know how to raise a little girl on my own." Sash had no idea what to say to her about that. He was not a great one to give advice in this matter. He was married once, and had a daughter. They had been killed in the Angossian wars. He had never loved anyone since. He had no idea what he would have done if it had just been his wife and he had been left to raise their child on his own. Vanyssa waited for Sash to say something. Then something occured to her. "There is going to be an inquiry over all this mess, isn't there?" She asked, scared and concerned. Sash nodded, "Most likely. there usually is. But it is more of a formality than a pointing of blame. I'm confident that you'll come out of it fairly unscathed. I probably have more to worry about than you do." He wasn't sure if his efforts to relieve some of her self impossed stress was working but she did smile and Sash moved closer and put an arm around her shoulder. "You know, you worry too much," he said. "You always did, even as a kid." She leaned close to him. "It's being the counsellor that does it. I know a good portion of the people aboard this ship really well. I know the ones that died today, probably better than most of the command staff. It makes something inside me hurt. I've always had this feeling, but lately it's gotten worse. Susan said that she felt the same way, when I took the deaths in the command scenario hard. She said that you have to distance yourself a little bit. Is that true?" Sash rocked his head back and forth. "Yes... and no. You have to believe that you cannot change everythingin the universe, without stopping to try. Sometimes things just happen, and we have to accept it. Some of those things are bad, but in the end, we can only be responsible to ourselves. We can not hold ourselves accountable for the actions of others... or our lack of forsight." She nodded a bit. "You are very wise." She finished, laughing. "Old man." She giggled. Then she looked him in the eye. "Have you heard what they are going to do with you or us? Has anyone contacted starfleet?" And lastly she looked down at her hands. "How is Cal taking things?" Again, she was more concerned with the people around her than herself. Sash sat up straight, and looked somewhat official. "Well, little girl, soon you too will be as wise, I'm sure. Contacted Starfleet? I'm sure that Sevant has taken care of everything. As for what they're going to do with us? Well, I remember reading somewhere that they had abondonded the practice of keel hauling in space, so I'm relatively certain that will ot happen." Vanyssa coughed up a laugh of surprise. "I am a captain without a ship. I have nowhere to go at the moment, so I supose I could "hang out" around here. I would really like to have a chance for us to really visit." His eyes twinkled as he looked down at her. He gave her a tight squeeze and patted her hand. Then with an effort he stood up. "And as or your friend Sevant? He is being most Vulcan about everything." He turned and held onto both of Vanyssa's hands. "You need rest." A twinge of pain ran through his head, "And so do I. Let's have breakfast tomorrow. You can buy, as I believe you still owe me a meal." That brought a real smile to Vanyssa's face. Sash brought her hands to his lips and kissed them. "You should do that more often, little girl. Smiling definitely suits you." With that he turned and left the room, lookng for a place to rest. (reply none :-) (posted by Al Muir and Melinda Martin)